whoami, or wiify (what's in it for you):
I'm Will, my professional background begins in paper delivery—yes, literally delivering the news. After a bunch of school the Marine Corps looked at my English degree and said "you are going to do signals intelligence, with a little electronic warfare mixed in—have fun in more school."
So I did technical intelligence for a bit, and then some security management too, but mostly I supervised technical or all-source intelligence analysts, and then made sure the boss was happy with their work, or did analytical work myself—and then made sure the boss was happy with my work. There's always a boss, these days boss == clients.
After an injury, and having more trouble than usual running 3 miles fast (not that I enjoyed it in the first place), I took myself to law school, and then started my practice, trying to keep people free and in control of their privacy and security in the modern world. I soon realized I enjoy intelligence analysis and security work far more than I enjoy legal work, and began working to return to information security, providing threat intelligence and security/privacy management, and advocating for how threat-informed is superior to un-informed decision making...
...this project is part of that effort.